For the first time in four years, this blog has been on extended hiatus, while I complete a major work project.
I know you’ve been wondering where I’ve gone…
The days fly by like a black-and-white movie: calendar pages in a wind.
In between deadlines and sandwiches and to-do lists, I’ve eaten a few beautiful meals.
A picnic planned and designed by Strategy Guy, in the middle of Dufferin Grove Park. An aerial view would have revealed a single table covered in red and white gingham, topped with a vase filled with a rose, amid the dull green wood and plastic tablecloths of other, less glamorous picnics. There were the delighted smiles of passersby taking pleasure in the theatricality of it all.
A wild mushroom pasta I made, on a whim, alone, one crisp fall evening.
Fabulous and unusual Mexican food on Queen West, with The Tennis Player, in a week filled with work.
Chicken soup with The Curators. Pizza buffala at Terroni’s with The Diasporic Filmmaker. A glorious Thanksgiving dinner hosted by The Librarian and The Hair Dude.
My friends have been feeding me, dining with me, and abiding with me.
Occasionally the cutting board comes out and the rhythm of chopping and stirring reminds me of life’s longer view.
This hiatus will continue on into November.
In the meantime, please join me at The Media Studies Blog. “Critical theory, stories, ideas, research and other cool things to do with media studies….” I’m excited to have a place where theory and practice can mix and mingle!
On that blog, I write about my research, sharing ideas and analysis about popular culture, media, activism. I also welcomeentries and posts from fellow-colleagues, media artists, filmmakers, and you, of course!
I’ll see you there, or back here in November…
Eat well.
Congrats on your new blog. It’s fabulous!
Thanks! Who knows, maybe I’ll sneak some food into it sometime…